Breakthrough Pathways to Student Success: Transforming the Student Experience in 4 Ways

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Breakthrough Pathways to Student Success: Transforming the Student Experience in 4 Ways

July 16, 2020

Today’s higher ed institutions must dive deeper to understand how the new wave of solutions hold the potential to redefine the future of student success. A growing number of higher ed leaders are seeking new tech-blessed solutions that can transform student experiences and overall institutional outcomes, and it is crucial that they also understand how those solutions will be able to impact student interactions and adapt to their lifestyle.

Taking this notion into consideration, let’s look at 4 steps higher ed leaders can adopt while implementing a new campus solution.

1) Providing Digital Degrees & Credentials

Progressive institutions around the globe are striving to build a better relationship with students beyond their campus life. Whether it is an on-campus course or digital certification, every student wants to have access to all the records and certifications they have earned without having to seek the assistance of the institution. Empowering them with their own personal dashboards can reduce dependencies and enhance the overall student interactions. However, it is also important to ensure that all the information is secure and verifiable.

2) Making the Most of Mobile Apps & 24×7 Support

It is great to see how many institutions have already invested in a dedicated campus app. This investment has surely helped boost overall student engagement. To make the most of it, institutions can take a step forward and leverage the bliss of artificial intelligence. An AI personal assistant can help students, faculty, and staff to find resolutions to their queries at any given point in time and at any place.

Unifyed recently launched Yoda, an AI personal assistant built exclusively for higher ed which helps institutions to automate responses to frequently asked questions related to admissions, financial aid, student accounts, and IT among others. Adopting AI is a smart way to offer students and faculty dedicated 24×7 support.

3) Providing Career Opportunities

Students want their curriculum to be aligned with the jobs of tomorrow. Students are more concerned about the cost of their courses and nothing provides a better return on investment for them than landing the job they desire after graduation. Leveraging student data like student profiles, interests, capabilities, assessments, etc. can help institutions match the students with the best-suited job profiles.

4) Moving Towards a Student-Centric Approach

Today many higher ed leaders believe that students play a vital role in driving sustainable innovation that is beneficial for the students of the generation. In the end, an institution’s growth is directly proportional to its student success rate. Involving students to learn their needs & requirements before implementing any initiative best ensures that students embrace the innovative changes an institution wishes to launch. In essence, students must have a voice in bringing the change.

The Bottom Line Is

Institutions worldwide are seeking to implement technology solutions that are built to increase student engagement and success rates. All the factors mentioned above, when combined, can ensure the desired boost in student success and help institutions move a step closer to their goals. Can’t wait to see the next big thing driving student success, your thoughts?