How Blend of Technology & Innovation Can Transform Today’s Classrooms?

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How Blend of Technology & Innovation Can Transform Today’s Classrooms?

March 2, 2020

Robert M. Hutchins quoted, “The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” This blog is nothing but a replication of the above quote, i.e. how technology and innovation can change the way classrooms have been operating for ages.

Technology and innovation can be seen in every field. It has changed the way people used to do a certain job. Similarly, it is making its way through the education sector. This sector can undergo a number of tweaks for enhancing the way one can imbibe learning. There is hardly any institution that doesn’t believe in the potential of cutting edge technology. Howbeit, an institution although wishes, may not be able to implement every tool at once. There are three important ones that an institution should consider. Read on and know about them.

Interactive Learning Sessions

Well, how many of us relate to those boring lectures in schools and colleges where we couldn’t relate to the topic but had to agree? Gone are the days when teachers were expected to be qualified in their respective subjects. Students expect them to use advanced technology such as AR or VR and smart boards and practical sessions. Young minds are inquisitive and with the monotonous way of teaching, we are only killing that curiosity. On the other hand, unconventional but practical use of technology and innovation is making them learn and understand better.

Virtual Portfolios Giving Visibility

We can’t deny the fact that your physical degrees do matter. What we also need to pay heed to is the virtual portfolio of our experience and qualification. You may have come across people who are highly qualified but aren’t able to make that impact. On the other hand, there are people that have the amalgamation of physical degree and dimensions to their experience. We know who would be preferred over whom. Students, with the help of virtual portfolios, can reach out beyond their geographical limitations and create an impact. Virtual portfolios help in showcasing what you have done in the best manner.

Include Personal Hotspot

The world has gone digital and there isn’t any domain that doesn’t use the internet. With the help of the internet, students can access information related to their courses and topics from anywhere without being dependent on teachers or classroom learning only. The inclusion of the internet in institutions can make students become more dynamic and eager learners. Do you want to make students static or dynamic? The choice is yours!

Wrap Up

The success of technology and innovation is both a boon and bane. There are two sides to every coin. Technology is no different. The objective is to ensure that students utilize the gift of Science in the most productive manner. By only considering the possibility of the misuse of technology such as the internet, an institution can’t ignore the various positive aspects of technology and innovation. What are you waiting for? Include those three magical tools and let the students spread their wings of success.