Adopting AI technology to improve student engagement, retention and enrollment

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Adopting AI technology to improve student engagement, retention and enrollment

July 15, 2019

Millennials are taking the lead and influencing higher education institutions to modernize their approach for simulating human conversations, ushered by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP) and automation.

Universities and colleges today need to focus just as much as any other industry to stay relevant and deploy innovative solutions driven by cost-effective and streamlined services.

Integration of chat robots or “chatbots” are imperative for higher education institutions to build an effective brand image and increase student engagement, all the while lowering costs, labor-intensive tasks and collecting relevant data.

Unifyed Unveils Yoda: An AI Powered Bot For Higher Ed

Today, tech savvy students prefer chatbots as a mode of communication and benefit from obtaining information at their fingertips.

That is exactly why Yoda was built; to answer questions with quick and contextual responses thereby improving student engagement with automation.

Yoda provides an array of features, improving both the student and faculty experience. The ability to receive information quickly allows students and staff members to utilize face-to-face interactions in more meaningful ways. Building relationships with your students is a vital component and can determine how the institution can succeed in increasing student engagement, retention and enrollment.

Taking you back to AI, we address the major concern for institutions regarding their retention rates. 6 out of 10 students will not continue at the same institution after the first year. AI can have a positive influence with 24/7 personal assistance to students during all aspects of student life. AI is adaptive, responsive and decisive, creating a seamless and time-saving experience.

Not just that, Yoda has a pre-built database to answer a variety of questions, concerned with the respective departments. Furthermore, the ability to modify this data allows you to maximize on collecting relevant data and creating vast possibilities to encourage a positive change to services and operations.

Yoda Implementation at Your Campus

A swift implementation process separated into three phases, ensures installation, configuration, training, load testing and deployment of Yoda. Each phase allows customization, modification and testing of Yoda to maximize it’s features and collect important data for the ML, NLP and Analytics engines.

This data can be used to distinguish and understand student engagement, behavior and areas of improvement in the different departments.

Potential Students with Yoda

AI can facilitate the admission process by interacting with potential students by accommodating a more convenient way to communicate and leaving a favorable impression.

Georgia State University (GSU) in collaboration with AdmitHub, created a database with frequently asked questions related to admissions. GSU struggled with “summer melt” (student motivation to join an institution “melting” away) and discovered potential students found it difficult to navigate through the enrollment process. Hence, losing out on increasing the number of student admissions.

AdmitHub created the chatbot “Pounce” to help prospective students complete the enrollment process. A five-month trial period found, 99% of the 50,000+ questions were answered by Pounce and “…enrollment grew by 3.9% and summer melt decreased by 21.4%…” 80% of the students also favored the addition of Pounce, further confirming the success of AI integration for student enrollment.

Opening the Door to Opportunity and Innovation

The key is realizing the potential AI has in improving the student experience, building positive relationships, minimizing time-consuming tasks and staying relevant. All these benefits are cost-effective and efficient with Yoda and can be integrated with a simple process, creating extensive opportunities for higher education.

Want Yoda free for 1-year?  Schedule a demo here!