5 Ways to Improve Student Recruitment Strategies with Mobile Technology

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5 Ways to Improve Student Recruitment Strategies with Mobile Technology

July 23, 2019

Every year college and university authorities tend to break into the new markets to stand in front of prospective students. With the shift and change in the demographics each year, institutions are bound to alter their approach of recruiting students and lean towards the new technology adoptions and enhancements.

While outlining an enrollment plan, it is imperative for the institutions to consider facts like – how mobile is your institution, how much are you in touch with the prospective students, and how well-structured is your screening process. Such factors help institutions to recruit the best-fit students and meet the enrollment targets.

Exploring New Demographics

Widening recruitment possibilities for enrolling students for a new class can help colleges and universities in outlining their enrollment strategies. Considering the past demographic analytics and entering in the new geographical locations to diversify the student bodies are quite helpful.

Howbeit, there is more to that; recruiting students of the generation and reaching out to different communities’ demand for major changes in the recruiting strategies. Going mobile can help the institutions to reach out to students worldwide while facilitating them with all the crucial information they need to select an institution. Prospective students can download the campus app and know about the upcoming recruiting events along with the important details like the agenda, when to reach, and what they will learn, etc. Alongside, prospective students can see different subjects they can select per their interest, eligibility criteria, and how they can apply for that.

Increasing Brand Value

Mobile can help colleges and universities to highlight their institution brand and offerings to make it stand out for the prospective students. For example, Unifyed helps institutions to send push notifications and highlights for regular updates like new content releases, schedules, application status, and other student features. Similarly, rich notifications can be quite effective in sending multimedia content right on the screens of the prospective students. This all can help prospective students to know why they should select an institutions and what benefits does the institution bring along to help them in the long term.

Enhanced Communication

Communication is another step that institution authorities must keep on the top of their minds. Once a prospective student knows about the institution, it is important to keep the communication going in the right way. Institutions can plan their strategies by including SMS, emails, and even mobile apps. All this will help institutions to stay under the radar of the prospective students. Remind the prospective students about the important deadlines, scheduled dates, and scholarships, etc.

Creating Events

Institutions can create recruiting events for the prospective students to connect in-person. Institutions’ can have all the event details, schedule, location, event offerings, and agenda on the mobile app. Institutions can make the most of such events and provide detailed information to the prospective students. Highlighting events by posting pictures on the institution’s social media feed can also help create excitement in the prospective students to enroll.

Welcoming Students

A campus mobile app can create a positive impact on the students that are admitted and are yet to step-in the college campus. It is a crucial period for making students feel a part of the community. A mobile app can help the students to stay engaged from the very first day and it can eventually lead to high retention rates. Institutions can create welcome events and messaging channels to connect to the class students. Orientation program listings and related information can also be provided to the students to let them have the essence of a good transition to the college life.

The Bottom line Is

College students are predicted to fall by more than 15% after the year 2025. Looking at such scenarios, it is time institutions mend their enrollment strategies to meet their enrollment targets. Mobile technology can help institutions stand out and outline strategies that can attract today’s students. Not only it can help in enrollment, but mobile technology can also keep the students engaged in their student lifecycle to increase the retention rates. Schedule a demo and know how institutions can build an engaging mobile experience for today’s students.