Jun 29, 2023
Passwordless: The Ideal Identity Authentication for Higher Ed
In 2004, Bill Gates predicted the death of passwords and highlighted the increasing inadequacy of passwords to protect the user accounts. Today, Passwordless is taking the cybersecurity world by storm. The higher Education sector, amongst others, remains indecisive about its implementation due to possible reasons that revolve around rigidity towards transition, doubts about its cost-effectiveness, [...]

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May 13, 2023
How does Passwordless Authentication work?
The world is currently filled with “Passwordless is the future” cheers with ever-lasting reverberation in the cybersecurity sector. But the true understanding of the matter remains in question. To clarify the basics, Passwordless Authentication verifies a user’s digital identity through different factors and eliminates the use of passwords. In terms of the higher education sector, Passwordless [...]

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Apr 12, 2023
Protection Against Cyberattacks with Passwordless Authentication. 

How to avoid cyberattacks? Passwordless Authentication can play a significant role in securing your accounts from most types of cyberattacks. As most of the attacks are related to passwords, switching to Passwordless Authentication can eliminate the threat to a great extent. Phishing, Brute Force Attacks, and Password Spraying rely heavily on trying different combinations of […]

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