Unifyed Announces General Availability of Student Admit v10.7

Friday – July 16, 2021

Unifyed Student – Admit | Release 10.7

Unifyed Student – Admit 10.7 Highlights

Custom Prospect Export

With the release, Admin Users can now schedule custom Prospect export jobs. These jobs when run, will extract the desired prospect records based on the criteria defined and the user will have an option to export only the desired fields. To schedule the custom job, the user must navigate to Settings > Schedular > Custom.

Customized Prospect Import – Update Record

With the release, Admin Users can now schedule custom jobs to update prospect records. These jobs when executed, will read a source file from a source-destination on SFTP or S3 server location as configured. User will be able to configure the server location from which the file will be picked up.

Historical Academic Data fields in Manage Fields

With this release, we have added few fields to Manage Fields on Prospect, Applicant, and Profile forms.

Send out a Prospect/Applicant task at a scheduled date

We have introduced an option to send out a prospect/Applicant task on a user-defined date and time.

Recruiter/Counselor Assignment logs

Recruiter and Counselor assignment history will be logged on the Prospect/applicant forms now.

Validation Tables: Correct Filters

Previously, a filter applied on a selected validation table was retained for the other validation tables.

E- Signature: HTML formatting enabled

With this release, we have introduced HTML formatting capabilities on the Application E-signature.

User Defaults: Enable default Flag on Form Header and Hierarchy

Under user defaults, we have introduced a flag named Enable Default on Form Header and Hierarchy (Address Type, Email Type, and Phone Type) defaults. The default value of this flag will be OFF for all users.

Import/Export: Added Questionnaire fields

With this release, we have added Questionnaire fields in Import/Export process.

Email fields structure on Self-service in sync with Admin forms

With this release, we have added the three field’s i.e. Effective Date, Termination Date<.strong>, and Mark as Primary Email on the “Add/Edit Email Address” pop up of applicant form and “Add/Edit Email Address” pop up of edit profile on the self-service side.

Validation Table: Scholarships

From this release, the values for this field will be configurable from the Scholarships section under Settings >>Validation tables.

Navigation through Keyboard Tabs Key

With this release, we have improved the tabbing feature on the prospect and application form.

Authorization to Release Information section Improvements

With this release, the disclosure and agreement text in the Authorization to Release Information section on the application form can be customized.

SMS character length increased up to 250

With this release, the user should be able to add a maximum of 250 characters on the message fields for all the tasks.

SIS ID and SIS Unique ID to be available at people entity level

With this release, SIS ID and SIS Unique Id would be available at People entity level.

Duplicity Rule Components

With this release new components are introduced in the Duplicate detection Rule engine.

Custom Application export in CSV through Email

With this release, the existing custom application export functionality is enhanced to have export file destination as email.

About Unifyed

Unifyed is here to transform education by improving access to learning, increasing student engagement, and reducing institutional costs.

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 750 colleges and universities across seven countries.

Unifyed builds beautiful and easy-to-use solutions designed to help partner colleges and universities recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

Unifyed delivers affordable and flexible solutions in partnership with the higher education community that are AI-first, microservices-based, and cloud-native.

Prospective customers can book a demo or email engage@unifyed.com for further information. Existing customers can email their Customer Success Managers or unifyedcs@unifyed.com for further information.