Unifyed Announces General Availability of Engage v12.6

Thursday – Jun 22, 2024

Unifyed Engage 12.6


The following applets have been updated with new enhancements and/or resolved defects:

  • Yoda Analytics
  • Messages App
  • Navigation Menu Builder
  • Global Search
  • Messages App
  • Poll Display

To update an applet:

  • Click on ‘Studio’ from the Profile dropdown on the right.
  • Click on ‘App Manager’ from the new navigation bar that appears on the left.
  • Click on ‘Unifyed Appstore’.
  • Click on ‘Save’ for all the applets that you wish to update.
  • Close the window and click on ‘Publish’ present in the top right corner.


Messaging App – Added Analytics for Push Notification and Email

We have added the ability to view the status of Push Notification and Email messages sent from the Engage Messaging App. Messages sent with these channels will have an additional option for the sender to view from the “…” icon called “Analytics”. This will open a new dialog box where the sender can view the Delivered vs Failed SMS delivery. The sender can also search for individual users in each category.

Bug Fixes

Engage Studio Analytics – JS code seen when Global Analytics Applet is Opened

When a user with Studio access would open the Analytics page a block of javascript code would display. After a couple of seconds this code would be replaced with the actual analytics content. This has been resolved and no longer displays.

Yoda Analytics – Spelling Correction of “Feedbacks” to “Feedback”

In the Yoda Analytics area we have corrected the spelling of one of the sections from “Feedbacks” to “Feedback”.

Yoda Analytics – Feedback not Updating Consistently

While testing with a Customer we noticed that in Yoda Analytics feedback for some of the feedback fields like “last Intent before feedback” and “view chat” section/ column are not updated. We have removed certain fields from the API response improving the performance of the Yoda Analytics and resolved the issue.

My Drive – Only able to Search Documents You Uploaded

TAn issue popped up during the development window where the My Drive Search was only displaying search results of documents the searcher had uploaded. This has been resolved to now include all of the documents user has access to display in search results.

Article and Smart Article – Tags cannot be added to Articles / Smart Articles

When attempting to edit an article via Studio > Content > Manage Content a user was not able to select Tags at the bottom of the form. This has been resolved to allow the user to now select Tags to assign to the article.

Poll Display – Poll Question still Displaying when Expired

When the Poll Display applet was placed on a page displaying a poll question that had an expiration date the question would continue to display and show “This poll has expired” instead of just disappearing from the page. This has been updated to now remove the expired poll question from the page instead of showing the expiration message.

Accessibility Compliance

Along with the platform, this release is compliant to WCAG 2.1 AA.

Supported Browser & Devices

This release is supported on the following browsers and devices:

Supported Devices  
Device Operating System
Android Version 10
iPad Version 13.1
iOS Version 12 and Above
Supported Browsers  
Browser Version
Chrome 84.0.4147.89 & above
Edge 84.0.522.48 & above
Firefox 79.0 & above
Safari 12.0 & above

About Unifyed

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 150 colleges and universities around the world. Unifyed partners with colleges and universities to deliver affordable solutions that help recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

For the detailed release note please visit : my.unifyed.com