Unifyed Announces General Availability of Engage v12.5

Friday – May 19, 2023

Unifyed Engage 12.5


The following applets have been updated with new enhancements and/or resolved defects:

  • Yoda Analytics
  • Navigation Menu Builder
  • Global Search
  • O365 Email Dashboard

To update an applet:

  • Click on ‘Studio’ from the Profile dropdown on the right.
  • Click on ‘App Manager’ from the new navigation bar that appears on the left.
  • Click on ‘Unifyed Appstore’.
  • Click on ‘Save’ for all the applets that you wish to update.
  • Close the window and click on ‘Publish’ present in the top right corner.


Messaging App – SMS Analytics for Failed / Delivered Messages

We have added the ability to view the status of SMS messages sent from the Engage Messaging App. Messages sent with the SMS channel will have an additional option for the sender to view from the “…” icon called “Analytics”. This will open a new dialog box where the sender can view the Delivered vs Failed SMS delivery. The sender can also search for individual users in each category.

User Profile – Add Background Image to Profile

In addition to being able to add their own profile image, a user (student / faculty) can now add a background image to their profile.

Unifyed Chat – Ability to Remove Connection from Contact List

Unifyed Chat has been enhanced to make it more simple to remove a contact from your chat. This will stop communication between the two users until the connection is reinitiated and accepted.

Unifyed Events – Add Ability to Edit Events Title / Description

Before this enhancement once an event was created the title and description of the event could not be edited. We have now included the ability to edit the events created with the Unifyed Events app.

Unifyed Engage – Toast Message to Display when Updating Applets

When there is a new version of an applet available we have changed the button text from “Save” to “Upgrade” to make it more clear. Also, once an applet is updated there will be a toast message that appears in the top right corner with either Success or Error message.

Bug Fixes

Messaging App – Scheduled SMS Messages not Sent

When a scheduled SMS was sent via the Messaging App it wouldn’t always be sent to the user. We have resolved the issue and now scheduled SMS messages are being sent successfully.

Unifyed Chat – Blank Screen shown when Accepting Connection request on Mobile

We have resolved an issue that occurs when a user would accept or reject a connection request from the Unifyed Chat tool. This has been resolved to return the user back to the chat tool once connection is accepted.

Community Drive – PDFs not opening on Mobile app

The mobile app for iOS has been enhanced to display PDFs from the Community Drive App. In the previous versions the PDF behavior was not consistent.

Unifyed Yoda – Unable to download analytics data older than 1 month

It was reported that a client was unable to download data from the Unifyed Yoda Analytics feature that was from over a month ago. We have resolved the issue so the user can pull analytics data from whatever time interval is defined.

Smart Article – View Permission not Working

When targeting a Smart Article to a smaller subset of users the applet was still displaying to the wider audience. This has been resolved so that the targeted audience are the only users able to see the specific Smart Article.

Accessibility Compliance

Along with the platform, this release is compliant to WCAG 2.1 AA.

Supported Browser & Devices

This release is supported on the following browsers and devices:

Supported Devices  
Device Operating System
Android Version 10
iPad Version 13.1
iOS Version 12 and Above
Supported Browsers  
Browser Version
Chrome 84.0.4147.89 & above
Edge 84.0.522.48 & above
Firefox 79.0 & above
Safari 12.0 & above

About Unifyed

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 150 colleges and universities around the world. Unifyed partners with colleges and universities to deliver affordable solutions that help recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

For the detailed release note please visit : my.unifyed.com