Unifyed Announces General Availability of Engage v12.4

Friday – Apr 21, 2024

Unifyed Engage 12.4


The following applets have been updated with new enhancements and/or resolved defects:

  • Yoda Analytics
  • Unifyed Connect
  • Events Multi Url
  • O365 Email Dashboard

To update an applet:

  • Click on ‘Studio’ from the Profile dropdown on the right.
  • Click on ‘App Manager’ from the new navigation bar that appears on the left.
  • Click on ‘Unifyed Appstore’.
  • Click on ‘Save’ for all the applets that you wish to update.
  • Close the window and click on ‘Publish’ present in the top right corner.

New Features

Unifyed Analytics – Add Cards for Categories and Tags Count for Articles

While tagging an Article or Smart Article there was no way to track how many articles were having a tag or category assigned to it. We added a new feature in Unifyed Analytics to view the number of articles that are assigned a specific tag and/or category.


Multiple Calendar Feed – Hide events in the month that already happened

The Multiple Calendar Feed has been enhanced to now only show the upcoming events in a given month. Previously it would continue to display all events in a given month.

Unifyed Mobile – Configure Logout Setting on Mobile App

We have added a configuration option to allow the mobile app login session to never expire. Once logged in a user would have access to the mobile app until they manually log out of the app. This is now configured in the “Login” Applet available in they Studio App Manager.

O365 Dashboard – Icon Count Added to Engage Mobile App

In the previous release we enhanced the O365 Dashboard experience to include an icon in the top corner that alerts the user when they have new emails in their Email Dashboard. This has been extended to now work the same on the native mobile app. A notification will appear atop the icon showing the number of new emails, and when clicked will take the user to the email dashboard.

Unifyed Connect – View Deleted Connect Posts

In previous versions of Engage the administrators were not able to track which of them had deleted a connect post, and were unable to view the content of the post that was removed. As of 12.4 administrators are now able to see this action documented in the Studio Activity Log along with the other actions of tenant administrators. Administrators are able to see Poster’s details, and the contents of the message that was deleted.

Bug Fixes

Unifyed Connect – Sticky Post still displayed after expiration date

Previously when an expiration date was set for a Connect Sticky Post the expiration date was not always respected. This caused the post to remain visible after the expiration date. This has been resolved so now the Sticky Post is removed after the expiration date / time.

Unifyed Yoda Analytics – View Feedback Chat through Yoda Analytics

In this version we added the View Chat button to the new feedback area that was added in the 12.3 release. This allows the admin to view the full conversation that lead to the feedback received.

Unifyed Engage – LGK > Engage Migration Tool not Migrating Hidden Pages

The tool developed to migrate pages / content and memberships from our LookingGlass Portal to the new Engage platform was missing pages marked “hidden”. The tool has been enhanced to also migrate these hidden pages and all of the content contained on them.

Accessibility Compliance

Along with the platform, this release is compliant to WCAG 2.1 AA.

Supported Browser & Devices

This release is supported on the following browsers and devices:

Supported Devices  
Device Operating System
Android Version 10
iPad Version 13.1
iOS Version 12 and Above
Supported Browsers  
Browser Version
Chrome 84.0.4147.89 & above
Edge 84.0.522.48 & above
Firefox 79.0 & above
Safari 12.0 & above

About Unifyed

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 150 colleges and universities around the world. Unifyed partners with colleges and universities to deliver affordable solutions that help recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

For the detailed release note please visit : my.unifyed.com