Unifyed Announces General Availability of Student Engage v9.0

Saturday – October 5, 2019

Unifyed Student – Engage | Release v9.0

New Features

Content Sharing

This release provides Engage users with the ability to manage the articles across the site. Now, you can see all the articles that have been created since the beginning under one place called Manage Content. It also gives you the ability to Create, View, Update, Edit, Reuse and Delete the article.



To enhance the search & recommendation ability of Pages and Articles; Unifyed has introduced a tagging feature. Now, users can select a tag, add new tags to the repository and use them anytime for tagging Pages or Articles.

  • Create Tags To create a new tag, on the page, simply type the name of the new tag to be created in the textbox and hit enter.
  • Tagging Currently, you can tag articles and pages only. There is no limit on tagging. For tagging, you simply select the tags from the list and save.


Friendly URL

With this enhancement, users can edit the URL structure for a page so that the URL name is appropriated according to the page content. Previously, a default URL which cannot be modified is created along with the creation of a page. However, now, the user can edit the URL of the page by using the “Manage Page” option under Sites & Pages.

  1. All created pages will be listed under Sites & Pages.
  2. Go to the settings  of the page that needs to be updated.
  3. Manage Page gives you the ability to make changes to the URL of the page.
  4. A fixed URL will be mentioned which is same for all the page.
  5. Update the URL.
  6. The updated URL name will be reflected on the fixed URL.


Customized Tool Tip

Hovering over the applet or the pages listed under the left navigation area of the portal gives a hyperlink or URL of the items listed there. With this enhancement, there would be customized tool-tips replacing the hyperlinks/URLs. Users can configure tool-tips themselves from menu-builder.
Note: System will default to display the name of the applet or page if there has been no tool-tip configured for them.


Edit Page Name

Edit page name or the page title functionality is available with this release. Page name edit/update feature is managed through ‘Manage Page’ option under Sites & Pages.


Announcement Functionality Upgrade

Previously, the Announcement applet was created only for admins to use but now, it is available for students as well. Announcement’s functionality has been enhanced to be controlled and driven through RBAC so that the students can also be given specific rights to use the applet. To use this applet a user can be provided with different access to the applet as per RBAC roles accesses. The CRUD rights can be controlled via RBAC for Announcement.
NOTE: A user CANNOT just have rights to the only update. Both the rights create & update work simultaneously.


Announcement – Character Limit Increased

The word limit for Announcement description has been increased to 1000 words from 500 words as of this release. This can now be configured from App Manager -> Configure My Apps. However, by default, it will take 500 characters length.


Announcement – Date Format Change

With this enhancement, the data formatting for Announcement App has been updated to mm/dd/yy from current format dd/mm/yy.


Unifyed Groups – User Redirection Enhancement

Previously, all the users were getting an error message upon clicking the URLs of private or restricted groups. However, with this enhancement, users will be redirected to the login page of a Unifyed group when hitting its URL based on the following conditions:
Private & Restricted Groups

  1. Logged-In Members – The system re-directs such users to the homepage of the group upon clicking the URL of that group.
  2. Not-Logged-In Members – The system re-directs such users to the portal login page upon hitting the URL of a group.
  3. Other Users – These users get a 403 Error page upon clicking the URL of that group.
Public Groups
  1. Logged-In Members – The system re-directs such users to the homepage of the group upon clicking the URL of that group.
  2. Not-Logged-In Members – The system re-directs such users to the portal login page upon hitting the URL of a group.
  3. Other Users – Logged-In users can view and join the group upon hitting the URL of the group. However, if the user is not logged-In, he/she can view the page but clicking Join button takes them to the portal login page.


Favorites Menu – Drag & Drop Functionality

Accessing and adding favorites menus items to your list has been made simpler, easy, quick and user-friendly. The new enhancement enables users to just drag-drop the applet(s) or page(s) to their favorites menu list. This functionality is aligned to work with RBAC, any applet for which user’s permission is revoked via RBAC will no longer be listed under the Favorites Menu.
Note: You can only add applets by drag-drop feature. Removing an applet(s) or page(s) from favorites menu is still controlled through User Profile -> Preferences -> Manage.


App Manager Upgrade

The following options under Studio -> App Manager are no more visible from this release:

  • App Settings
  • Global Publish


Mobile Apps – User Profile Caching

New performance enhancement has been released for Unifyed Mobile App’s identity auth API. This enhancement cache user profile details once the user is authenticated so that next time the gateway can validate the user credentials successfully from the cache itself.

About Unifyed

Unifyed is here to transform education by improving access to learning, increasing student engagement, and reducing institutional costs.

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 750 colleges and universities across seven countries.

Unifyed builds beautiful and easy-to-use solutions designed to help partner colleges and universities recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

Unifyed delivers affordable and flexible solutions in partnership with the higher education community that are AI-first, microservices-based, and cloud-native.

Prospective customers can book a demo or email engage@unifyed.com for further information. Existing customers can email their Customer Success Managers or unifyedcs@unifyed.com for further information.