Friday – January 28, 2022
Unifyed Student – Engage | Release 11.2
Monitoring Tool
Monitoring tool has been created to see the comparison for the count of available users.
Deleting a Sticky post in Connect
Tenant Admin is now able to delete any sticky post irrespective of any category. Category Admin is now able to delete any sticky posts for which he is admin for the connect category.
Yoda Offline Messages
Email Id of the user will be shown while replying to offline messages by the user.
Engage Portal – Global Search
Schools can now choose what section they want to get displayed and under People section: View of User’s email can also be managed through RBAC settings.
Push Notification show the alias name
Notification (Bell Icon) for Push Notification is showing the alias name.
Bug Fixes
Unread message from user
Prior to this release, Messages were getting read if chat agent unknowingly closes the chat and if live chat agent was chatting with user & accepts a new chat request due to which the unread messages were appeared as read and unread message counter was lost.
Mobile Number – opt in or opt Out And Validation
Mobile number will be validated by authenticating an OTP sent to the entered mobile number.
Chat Applet-Mobile
“Prior to this release, in chat applet> Rocky Paw: while coming back to the main app by clicking on back button user was shown a blank page & a force stop was required to get the app working. Issue has been fixed.
About Unifyed
Unifyed is here to transform education by improving access to learning, increasing student engagement, and reducing institutional costs.
Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 750 colleges and universities across seven countries.
Unifyed builds beautiful and easy-to-use solutions designed to help partner colleges and universities recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.
Unifyed delivers affordable and flexible solutions in partnership with the higher education community that are AI-first, microservices-based, and cloud-native.
Prospective customers can book a demo or email for further information. Existing customers can email their Customer Success Managers or for further information.