Friday – February 4, 2022

Unifyed Student – Admit | Release 11.2
New Features
Adhoc Checklist Deletion
With this release, the user will be able to delete the checklist item created from applicant listing page on admin side. The delete button will be displayed on the “Change Status” pop for pending status only. The user will be able to delete the checklist by clicking on the delete button.
Configurable Source field header text
With this release, the user will be able to update the Source header text from Source section added in the institutional defaults. The updated header text will be displayed on applicant/prospect form based on applied settings.
Application -> Download PDF button changed to Icon
With this release, the user will be able to view the “Export Application PDF” icon on the header of Applicant’s detail page in place of Download PDF. The user will be able to download the application pdf by clicking on the Export Application PDF icon. On icon hover, it will display help text “Export Application PDF“.
New column named “Created from” is introduced on Prospect and Applicant listing page
With this release, we have added a new column “Created from” on Prospect and Applicant listing page to track the creation of Prospects and Applicants. The Value against the “Created from” column will be displayed only for the newly created Prospects/Applicants. The Values can be:
- Admin
- Self-Service
- QR-Self-Service
- Bulk Upload
- Custom Process
Short codes available for SMS type tasks
With this release, the user will be able to select the short codes from Short codes dropdown just above Message text area. The list in the short codes dropdown will be same as in short codes of Email type tasks > CK editor.
New criteria list added for Recruiter/Counselor Assignment
With this release, we have added new criteria list for performing Recruiter/Counselor Assignment. The new list is added below the existing criteria’s.
The list added for Recruiter Assignment:
- Admit code
- Active Military
- Attributes
- Award
- Campus
- Certificates
- College
- Concentration
- Gender
- Interests
- Religion
- Minor
- Primary Language
The list added for Counselor Assignment:
- Admit code
- Active Military
- Attributes
- Award
- Campus
- Certificates
- College
- Concentration
- Gender
- Interests
- Religion
- Minor
- Primary Language
- Student Type
About Unifyed
Unifyed is here to transform education by improving access to learning, increasing student engagement, and reducing institutional costs.
Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 750 colleges and universities across seven countries.
Unifyed builds beautiful and easy-to-use solutions designed to help partner colleges and universities recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.
Unifyed delivers affordable and flexible solutions in partnership with the higher education community that are AI-first, microservices-based, and cloud-native.
Prospective customers can book a demo or email engage@unifyed.com for further information. Existing customers can email their Customer Success Managers or unifyedcs@unifyed.com for further information.