Unifyed Announces General Availability of Engage v12.2

Friday – Feb 24, 2024

Unifyed Engage 12.2

In Unifyed Engage 12.2, Unifyed upgrades and introduces improvements to the product ensuring a better user experience.


  • Unifyed Groups – Group Template not Copying Left Navigation Links
  • Message Center – Set Message Expiration for All Delivery Channels
  • Navigation & Menu Builder – Anchor Tags in Smart Articles now Working Across Pages
  • Unifyed Groups – ‘Your Groups’ and ‘Groups You Own’ in Alphabetical Order
  • “Yoda” Analytics – View Full Conversation in Session Interaction
  • Unifyed Chat – resolved Global Unifyed Chat applet not working showing “Alert” added
  • Mobile Navigation Menu – resolved Submenu Items not Displaying post 12.1 issue

Accessibility Compliance

Along with the platform, this release is compliant to WCAG 2.1 AA.

Supported Browser & Devices

This release is supported on the following browsers and devices:

Supported Devices  
Device Operating System
Android Version 10
iPad Version 13.1
iOS Version 12 and Above
Supported Browsers  
Browser Version
Chrome 84.0.4147.89 & above
Edge 84.0.522.48 & above
Firefox 79.0 & above
Safari 12.0 & above

About Unifyed

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 150 colleges and universities around the world. Unifyed partners with colleges and universities to deliver affordable solutions that help recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

For the detailed release note please visit : my.unifyed.com