Unifyed Announces General Availability of Student Admit v10.8

Friday – August 20, 2021

Unifyed Student – Admit | Release 10.8

Unifyed Student – Admit 10.8 Highlights

Email OTP Verification

We have introduced a new feature in which the self service users will be able to verify their email address with OTP. The user will also be able to enable this feature from Institutional Defaults >>Email Validation screen. The user will be able to set the subject and content for the OTP verification mail on Institutional Defaults >>Email Template screen.

Rule Engine new components addition

Institute Users can now add tasks on basis of new components i.e. CEEB Code and Program Name. The user will be able to apply three conditions i.e. Empty, Not Empty and Contains.

Enhanced UI on Applicants Detail Page

We have updated the UI of Checklist section and Document section. The user will be able to see three tabs under checklist section i.e. Pending, Submitted and Completed.

  • Pending: Display all the pending checklist items with appropriate action buttons. Any submitted item marked as Pending by the Admin Users will display the note of rejection along with Date and User details as we have on the admin side
  • Submitted: Display all the items submitted by the applicant and under review of admin. The user will be able to view and download his submitted items. Any re-submitted item, after rejection, will carry the past submission details
  • Completed: All the items received & completed by the admin users. Users will have options of viewing the files uploaded. Payment type checklist items will directly go into the Completed section along with receipt if any. Any Waived Payment item will appear in the Completed section with Status WAIVED

Applicant Task Improvement

With the release, the Active after submission flag on the Applicant task will also apply to already submitted applications. Now, tasks will be assigned to all existing Applicants (Submitted or Saved) who have an active communication plan.

Custom Export

We have added various missing fields such as Academic standing – month and Year to custom export processes for both Prospects and Applicants.

About Unifyed

Unifyed is here to transform education by improving access to learning, increasing student engagement, and reducing institutional costs.

Unifyed is a pioneer in higher education software and serves over 750 colleges and universities across seven countries.

Unifyed builds beautiful and easy-to-use solutions designed to help partner colleges and universities recruit, engage, educate, retain and graduate 21st century students.

Unifyed delivers affordable and flexible solutions in partnership with the higher education community that are AI-first, microservices-based, and cloud-native.

Prospective customers can book a demo or email engage@unifyed.com for further information. Existing customers can email their Customer Success Managers or unifyedcs@unifyed.com for further information.