Identity Appendix K

Unifyed (School Name) - QuickLaunch Password Manager Implementation Project

Phase 1 - Project Initiation

Project Communication

Kick Off Prep & Discovery Document Review

Review high-level project scope (MLSA)

Phase 2 - Kick Off

Project Kick Off Meeting

Project Plan sign-off by member

Scope document sign-off by member

Phase 3 - Implementation

Phase III (a) - PWMS Configuration

Enable PWMS in QL admin portal

Directory (AD) Configuration in QL PWMS

Security Configuration in PWMS.

MFA Configuration (Phone and Email)

Unifyed Portal Integration with QL PWMS (Test)

Phase III (b) - Design Implementation

UI Script and Template update with PWMS script.

Updating "password reset url" on the school login page.

Branding Configuration

Phase 4 - QA & UAT

Internal QA & UAT

Client QA & UAT

Sign off on UAT by member

Phase 5 - Hard Launch

QuickLaunch 4 PWMS - Production Cutover

Phase 6 - Support Transition

Client Sign Off

Transition to Support