Identity Appendix I

QuickLaunch (School Name) - QL4 PWMS Implementation Project

Phase 1 - Agreement Execution and Kick off

Review High Level Scope/Kick off Prep and Disco doc Review

Checklist Verification

Project Kick Off Meeting

Project Plan sign-off by member

Scope document sign-off by member

Project Communication

Phase 2 - PWMS Configuration

Enable PWMS in QL Admin Portal

Directory (AD) Configuration in QL PWMS

Security Configuration in PWMS.

MFA Configuration (Email and Phone)

Phase 3 - Design Configuration

UI Script and Template update with PWMS script.

Branding Configuration

Updating "password reset url" on the school login page.

Phase 4 - QA & UAT

Internal QA & UAT

Client QA & UAT

Sign off on UAT by member

Phase 5 - Hard Launch

QuickLaunch 4 PWMS - Production Cutover

Phase 6 - Support Transition

Client Sign Off

Transition to Support