Appendix L – Unifyed Student – License Definitions

Appendix L – Unifyed Student – License Definitions

Licensed Named Users: The number of Named Users the Client is licensed for is an “up to” limit for a period of a year. In the Unifyed Student Administrative Console, the Client’s Unifyed Student administrator will have the ability to set a yearly date when the Client’s Named User license count will be refreshed.
Licensed Active Users: A Named User once logged into Unifyed Student, whether directly through the Unifyed Student client interface or indirectly through an interface wherein Unifyed Student has been embedded, will generate an Active User. Thus, the number of Active users is the total the total number of logins generated by Named Users within the defined Active Session Duration. A Named User logging into Unifyed Student within the defined Active Session Duration from different interfaces (eg. Chrome web browser, Safari mobile browser, native mobile app) will generate one unique, Active Session.
Licensed Dynamic Days: Dynamic days represent additional days during which members can upgrade their active users. Members can provide dynamic days windows and their active users count can be moved up during the same. After dynamic days, their active user’s count is dropped to the contracted value.
Licensed Dynamic Users: A Named User once logged into Unifyed Student, whether directly through the Unifyed Student client interface or indirectly through an interface wherein Unifyed Student has been embedded, will generate an Active User. Thus, the number of Active users is the total the total number of logins generated by Named Users within the defined Active Session Duration. Total number of dynamic Users are the users above active users count during Dynamic days duration.