Appendix D


Unifyed Delivery Overview

Once you execute your Agreement, the Unifyed Delivery Team will work closely with you and your team
to shepherd you through a successful implementation.

Unifyed Project Milestones

Here are some of the typical, key project milestones that the Unifyed Delivery Team will be walking your Unifyed project through:

  • Project Kickoff
  • Discovery Sign off
  • Implementation and Configuration
  • Self-paced Training
  • Soft Launch
  • Full Launch

Unifyed Delivery Team

Your Unifyed Delivery Team will comprise of the following resources:

  • Customer Success Manager – Your Customer Success Manager is your point of contact for any of the following matters:
    • Information about upcoming Unifyed iSeminars, Working Groups, Conferences, Promos
    • Unifyed Early Adopter Programs
    • Unifyed Ambassador Programs
    • Unifyed Agreement Queries including Renewals
    • Projector or Support escalations
    • Quotes for Unifyed Professional Services
  • Project Manager – Your Project Manager is your point of contact throughout the delivery of your project and is responsible for providing you:
    • Project Updates
    • Unifyed training and documentation resources via the Unifyed Community site